Kamis, 17 Februari 2011

Gayus Tambunan and Corruption in Indonesia

Gayus, the ex-employees of the Tax group III A, it is not bored also indicates the poor quality of law enforcement officers of this country. Had argued flying to Bali, he finally confessed. Gayus cry. “I miss the kids and wife,” he said before the judges in South Jakarta District Court on Monday (11/15).
Gayus had been detained at the Brigade Command Headquarters in Kelapa Dua, Depok, West Java. According to his testimony, there are five other prisoners who often come and go. Gayus did not miss. “I just want refreshing …”
Gayus acrobatics this time a number of police casualties, including the head of the Mobile Brigade detention Mako, Commissioner Iwan Siswanto, who was fired from his position. But all this is still a small case. There is still a big tax evasion cases in the back of Gaius. We are awaiting judicial action, hoping anxiously. There was pessimism, but there is also not throw an optimistic attitude.
Photo: Tax convicted mafia Gayus Halomoan Tambunan while in the detention room in South Jakarta District Court before attending a briefing session with the agenda of the expert witness, on Monday (15/11). Gaius finally confessed to watch tennis in Bali last week.
Photo: A number of photojournalist action moral support to photographers at the Roundabout Compass HI Agus Susanto, Jakarta, Monday (11/15

JAKARTA: Indonesia's most notorious corrupt tax official not only left his jail cell to watch tennis in Bali - he also flew to Macau, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur.

Gayus Tambunan, a former mid-ranking tax officer, told officials he was on holiday when he left his cell and went overseas with his wife last September. He was carrying a passport with a photograph of himself in an ill-fitting wig and heavy-rimmed glasses and sporting a goatee.

Except for the beard, it was the same clumsy disguise he wore when he was discovered, and photographed by a newspaper, court-side at an international tournament in Bali in November.
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The escapades of Gayus, who amassed a $3.2 million fortune while earning a monthly salary of $1400 and who paid judges, prosecutors and police to have earlier corruption charges reduced to a minor embezzlement offence and then dismissed, continue to lay bare the brazen nature of Indonesia's corruption.

Following his arrest in Bali, Gayus admitted paying more than $40,000 to be allowed out of prison on 68 occasions.

His latest jaunt was revealed after a woman wrote to the daily Kompas, saying a man closely resembling Gayus was on her Air Asia flight to Singapore on September 30. Kompas later reported that the woman, Devina, had stopped talking to the media because she feared for her safety.

The presidential adviser for legal affairs, Denny Indrayana, subsequently published on Twitter an image of a passport bearing the name Sony Laksono, and a photograph of Gayus.

''This is a photo of Gayus using a wig contained in the passport of 'Sonny Laksono.' It is the same alias Gayus used when watching tennis in Bali,'' Mr Denny tweeted.

The police later confirmed that Gayus had admitted flying to Macau on September 24 and to Kuala Lumpur and Singapore on September 30 using the alias Sony Laksono and the passport.

Police are still investigating what he did while abroad, including whether he was moving money around foreign accounts. They suspect he has made other trips abroad.

The Justice and Human Rights Minister Patrialis Akbar, whose ministry oversees the Directorate General of Immigration, initially said no officials were involved and that the passport was fake. He later admitted the passport was authentic but said it had been tampered with.

Questions are also being asked as to how Gayus was allowed to board planes given irregularities in the passport. In particular,
he is wearing glasses in his passport photo, which is not allowed.


Sorry if not perfect ...... Had to translate this once because this will enter the History books!

Gayus: John Agen Task Force and CIA Agent
Rabu, 19 Januari 2011 |
Penulis : Sandro Gatra | Editor : Inggried

Original text:
Terpidana kasus mafia pajak, Gayus H Tambunan, menggelar jumpa pers usai menjalani sidang dengan agenda pembacaan vonis di Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Selatan, Rabu (19/1/2011). Ia divonis tujuh tahun penjara, denda Rp 300 juta, dan subsider tiga bulan kurungan.
Indonesian to English translation:
Convicted tax mafia, Gayus H Tambunan, held a press conference after undergoing trial with the agenda of the verdict in the South Jakarta District Court on Wednesday (19/01/2011). He was sentenced to seven years imprisonment, a fine of Rp 300 million, and the subsidiary three months in prison.

Original text:
JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com — Terpidana kasus korupsi pajak, Gayus Halomoan Tambunan, menyampaikan hal yang mengejutkan. Ia mengatakan bahwa John Jerome Grice, warga negara asing yang diduga sebagai aktor di balik pembuatan paspor palsunya atas nama Sony Laksono, merupakan agen CIA. Tak hanya itu, Gayus juga menyebutkan, segala aksi John diketahui dan direstui oleh salah seorang anggota Satgas Pemberantasan Mafia Hukum.

"Berdasarkan cerita John Grice ke saya, John Grice adalah agen CIA dan semua kegiatannya diketahui dan direstui oleh salah seorang anggota satgas," ucap Gayus seusai mendengarkan vonis di Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Selatan, Rabu (19/1/2011).

Gayus tak menyebut siapa anggota Satgas yang dimaksud. Dia juga tidak menjelaskan bagaimana kronologis keluarnya paspor serta perihal kepergiannya ke Singapura, Malaysia, dan Makau selama keluar dari rutan Mako Brimob Kelapa Dua, Depok.

John Jerome Grice adalah warga negara asing yang diduga kuat sebagai auktor intelektual kasus pembuatan paspor palsu dengan nama Sony Laksono yang digunakan Gayus untuk bepergian ke sejumlah negara. Senin lalu, Kepala Bagian Penerangan Umum Polri Komisaris Besar Boy Rafli Amar mengatakan, hasil penelusuran menyebutkan, John tercatat sebagai warga negara Amerika Serikat.

Seperti diberitakan, John kini masuk dalam daftar buronan Polri. Menurut Polri, berdasarkan keterangan saksi-saksi, John yang menerima uang 100.000 dollar AS dari Gayus. John telah keluar dari Indonesia pada Juli 2010 dan kini diperkirakan berada di salah satu negara di Asia dengan paspor asli. Dalam paspor, pria berkulit gelap itu tercatat lahir di California, Amerika Serikat, 16 Mei 1970.

Seperti diberitakan, Polri telah menahan A, salah satu anggota sindikat pemalsuan paspor. Polri telah melepaskan J, salah satu saksi yang diamankan pekan lalu. Menurut Boy, penyidik tidak memiliki bukti kuat untuk menetapkan J sebagai tersangka, apalagi menahannya. Selain A, Polri juga telah menjerat Gayus terkait dengan kasus itu.
Original in Indonesian: http://nasional.kompas.com/read/2011...Grice.Agen.CIA

Indonesian to English translation:
JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Convict tax corruption case, Gayus Halomoan Tambunan, expressed surprise. He said that John Jerome Grice, foreign nationals suspected of being the actor behind his false passport in the name of Sony Laksono, a CIA agent. Not only that, Gayus also mentioned, all the action of John is known and sanctioned by a member of Task Force Legal Mafia Eradication.

"Based on my story to John Grice, John Grice is a CIA agent and all its activities are known and sanctioned by a member of task force members," Gayus said after hearing the verdict at the South Jakarta District Court on Wednesday (01/19/2011).

Gayus does not mention who the members of the Task Force in question. He also does not explain how a chronological release of the passport as well as about his departure to Singapore, Malaysia, and Macau during the exit from the crease Mako Kelapa Dua Mobile Brigade, Depok.

John Jerome Grice is a foreign national who allegedly as intellectual actor fake passport case with the Sony name Gayus Laksono who used to travel to several countries. On Monday, Chief of Police Public Information Commissioner Joey Boy Amar said, the search results mentioned, John was recorded as a U.S. citizen.

As reported, John is now on the list of fugitive police. According to police, according to witnesses, John, who received $ 100,000 cash from Gayus. John has been out of Indonesia in July 2010 and is now estimated to be in one country in Asia with the original passport. In a passport, a dark-skinned man was carrying was born in California, United States, May 16, 1970.

As reported, the Police had arrested A, a passport forgery syndicate members. Police have released J, one of the witnesses who secured last week. According to Boy, investigators have no solid evidence to determine J as a suspect, let alone hold it. In addition to A, the police also has trapped Gayus related to the case.

An Indonesian former tax official has been jailed for seven years for causing millions of dollars in state losses.
Gayus Tambunan was found guilty on four counts of corruption - including bribing his way out of bribery charges.
The case has gripped the nation as during the trial, the defendant managed to bribe his way out of jail dozens of times, including for overseas trips.
It has opened a window on government corruption, and damaged the president's reputation as an anti-graft reformer.
During the trial, Tambunan confessed to having helped powerful firms evade taxes, paying prosecutors and police officials, and relieving his stress by leaving his jail cell to watch an international tennis tournament in Bali.
He also admitted to having flown to Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and Macau using a forged passport while supposedly in detention.
In his attempt to avoid a heavy sentence, Tambunan offered to be made a special advisor to the nation's graft busters to help them catch not only the "small fish, but also the sharks and the whales" in the corrupt system.
He promised Indonesia would be "clean" within two years.
The judges did not consider this offer a factor, but did give him a lighter sentence than the 20 years demanded by prosecutors.
The case has embarrassed Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, who came to power on an anti-corruption platform.

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